I have a dream of a new journal

I have a dream I want to tell you about.
I have a dream that we participate in a journal that prints several issues a year, is listed in online databases and kept in libraries, that includes clinical cases, qualitative studies, evidence based practices, and papers from other expressive arts therapies and disciplines as well as other social sciences.
I have a dream that students and laymen who want to learn more about Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy can find information from this journal, and that other therapists can learn about what we do well. In this dream, the accomplishments and capabilities of Psychodrama are made broadly known by the journal to those who are not members of ASGPP as well as our members.
I have a dream that we generate substantive outcomes research in our method, and read and take account of what other therapists and behavior researchers are learning as they go along. My dream includes trial and error learning, progress by forming hypotheses and designing ways to test them, gathering results and drawing conclusions. It may well include throwing out ill founded ideas.
I have a dream that those who submit articles to this journal get speedy, competent, courteous help from editors who are trained to be both creative and respectful. In my dream, the editors get recognition for their hard work, earn CEUs for their service, and report regularly and factually on how they are doing to the Executive Council of ASGPP.
My dream includes the spreading of respect for our method by giving it a wider-read, more accessible, fuller professional journal that is of interest to others who are not members of ASGPP. Anyone share my dream with me?


Erica Hollander, PhD, JD, VP of ASGPP

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