Watch this Ted talk. It’s a lot like psychodrama.
Watch this Ted talk. It’s a lot like psychodrama.
Articles on using psychodrama and role play to teach clinicians how to break bad news This is the web address for an open access article on the positive relationship between emotional intelligence and generalized self determination, or what psychodramatists might call “act hunger”. The authors assert that the 2 are linked, and both contribute…
What do we mean by “research”? Is research in Psychodrama possible or worth doing? I see things published under the heading “research” or “theory and research” that do not meet my definitions of research or theory. Some argue that research…
Application for Research Support Name of applicant(s)____________________________________________[at least one applicant per project must be CP, PAT , or TEP and a current member of ASGPP] Address___________________________________________________ Phone: Email Attach current supporting resume(s) and proposed informed consent forms. Research proposal, including…
Action Research is a new international, interdisciplinary, refereed journal which is a forum for the development of the theory and practice of action research. Our purpose with this international, peer reviewed journal is to offer a forum for participative, action…
An article in the Times Digest (NY Times online service) about a week ago discussed a new study that is looking at what the effect of making therapists’ notes from group therapy sessions available to the participants in the groups.…
The new online journal E Journal of Psychotherapy Research has an article from Annalisa Versari on the use of psychodrama in a group containing both perpetrators and victims over a span of 15 sessions. You can find the article at… This TED talk should be an encouragement to all who fear that, as psychodramatists, they cannot be serious scientists.