Call for Evidence Based research in Psychodrama

Psychodrama workshops are getting severely beaten by various evidence-based workshops. A flyer arrived recently highlighting evidence-based trauma treatments and interventions; a two-day, 14 hour, workshop for $400. At the end of the two days the “seminar meets the education requirement when applying to become a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional.”

The workshop is advertised by and given by the International Association of Trauma Professionals ( It has a board of directors consisting of three people: and Ed.D, LMHC; a Ph.D, LMHC; and a public board member with an MBA. These very few “experts” can advertise as “evidence-based.” ASGPP has many, better qualified people with much greater experience.

Psychodrama desperately needs evidence-based research and I’m at a loss as to what to do. Also I do not have the research skills nor a research group required for the task(s).

This need has been talked about for many years in the psychodrama community, yet nothing has been done. Our community will experience continued deterioration unless we do something.

What can be done? I’m willing to help in any way that I can.

Bill Wysong, MA, LPC, EMDR II, TEP
Aspen Counseling Center
611 N. Nevada
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 632-0771

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