Role analysis research


Mar 19

I wrote before about this and have since followed up with AANZPA trainers. Psychodramatists in Australia and New Zealand involve their clients in personal growth groups and in organizations monitoring changes in their role development.  There is a chapter on Role analysis, which explains this strategy in the book Psychodrama since Moreno, edited by Paul Holmes, Marcia Karp and (one other person whom I cannot remember). The chapter was written by Max Clayton.  The persons role repertoire is identified in three categoriees:  (1) Fragmented roles (roles which evolve from stress, abuse and neglect)  (2) Coping roles  (roles developed to go on in life despite difficult circumstances) and (3) Progressive roles (roles with positive impact on the developing self and which increase positive connection with others.It is my belief that creating a research instrument using role analysis,  based on self report and interview with clients, either those in a group or in individual therapy, will develop into a useful evidenced based instrument for psychodramatists.  I would be pleased to hear from anyone who has an interest in developing such an instrument. I also believe that trainers might benefit from such an instrument to evalute psychodrama trainees over time.  Thus far there is not an instrument created on this in Australia or New Zealand.   540-400-8182
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